When you install Quicken software on your computer, it should also install a PDF printer designed to make PDF copies of your financial records. Once installed, you can also use this printer to make PDF files, just as you would select any printer available on your computer. If the Quicken PDF Printer is accessible, you can reinstall it from your Quicken program files. If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, you may need to perform additional configurations to get it working properly.
Ensure that your printer is online and all cables are securely attached.
If your printer is on a network, ensure that your network allows you permission to access the printer.
If you are printing to paper, ensure that the Quicken PDF Printer is notselected.
If you have more than one printer:
Ensure that you have selected the correct printer in Quicken. (Select the Quicken File menu, select Printer Setup, and select the item you want to print. Be sure the correct printer shown in the Printer field. For example, if you are printing a report, select File > Printer Setup > For Reports/Graphs.)
Try making another printer the default printer.
Microsoft Windows 10:
Right click the Microsoft Windows logo (Start button) and select Control Panel.
Under Hardware and Sound, click View devices and printers.
Rright click the printer and choose Set as default printer.
Microsoft Windows 7 / Vista:
Click the Microsoft Windows Vista logo (Start button) and select Control Panel.
Under Hardware and Sound, click Printer.
Select the printer and click the Set as default command button.
Microsoft Windows XP:
Click the Microsoft Windows Start button and select Printers and Faxes.
Right-click a printer and select Set as Default Printer.
Try printing from WordPad or Notepad to be sure Windows is communicating with your printer.
Click the Microsoft Windows Start button, select All Programs or Programs, select Accessories and select WordPad or Notepad.
Enter some text.
Select the File menu and select Print.
If your file does not print from WordPad or Notepad, it probably means that Windows is not communicating with the printer. Check your Windows printer settings.
If your file does print from WordPad or Notepad, try reinstalling the printer or printer driver.
Additional help is also available on the Web at Quicken Help & Support.
The Quicken Reports offer is an extremely helpful element to track and deal with your funds precisely, and as an entrepreneur can utilize this element to make charts and spreadsheets that show essential monetary data of the organization. While printing reports, still, Quicken clients may confront troubles due to issues with printing parts or printer settings. In the event that you have any issues while printing reports, you can either print utilizing different projects or reinstall your product once more. Be that as it may, before reinstalling it, a few cures still exists you can endeavor to settle the printer settings issues. Likewise, you can likewise contact Quicken client bolster number for profiting proficient help.